Thursday, March 8, 2012

STAND UP its International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day across the world. This was first introduced in the 1900's actually 1910 to be exact. Women play a critical role in developing nations. They enhance agriculture an rural development, improve food security, and can help reduce poverty levels in there surrounding communities. The theme this year is- Empower Rural Women-End Hunger and Poverty. The Food and Agriculture Organization reveals that productivity gains from ensuring equal access to fertilization, seeds, and tools for women can actually reduce the number of hungry people between 100-150 million to be exact. So in he insight women are spectacular and this day is really used to show off just that. Its used to celebrate women's accomplishments and advocate for gender equality. There are 10 easy ways to celebrate this special holiday to all the women out there.
1. Take the Day OFF!!
2. Give Flowers to Women-flowers are a symbol off this holiday.
3. Donate Money to Women Causes- such as Kiva
4. Protest- this holiday was born on activism
5. Wear RED Lipstick- "Rock the Lips" campaign to support this holiday
6. Stand on a Bridge- "Join me on the Bridge" campaign in honor of this holiday
7. Check out Some Art- Go see the National Museum of Women in the Arts  in DC, french female painter
8. Eat A Cupcake- Most bars and restaurants give out free cupcake in honor of this holiday
9. Defeat Sexual Harassment
10. Look Back and Forward- Look back on women and their accomplishments but realize there's still room for improvement. 

This information was courteous of the Washington Post online. 

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