
Death it comes in many unexpected packages. Death isn't planned like a birthday party or a christmas celebration, it comes at a drop of a dime. Death doesn't have a criteria or standards. Death happens to everyone and it can happen at any time. Especially when its least expected. The family and friends that are along side of the person who is dying or have died often feel anger, pain, and blame. In the process after death people often experience confusion, frustration, and chaos. I only know this because I have recently experienced death. Early Tuesday morning my great grandma died from a failing bowel intestine. I was extremely distraught when everything happened and it totally caught me off guard. I know now that she is in a better place, a place where there is no more pain and suffering, and that place is heaven. I know for sure that she was greeted at the gates of heaven by Jesus and Jesus said Good job, welcome my good and faithful servant. She was a living testimony of what Christ-like attitude is. This process is extremely hard and calming at the same time. I am currently in the Anger stage as most would say about the grieving process but I know that she was a Christian and I can take comfort in that. Knowing that she's spending an eternity in heaven. It makes me realize how short life really is. She may have been 81, but thats a pen dot on a sheet of paper thats a mile long. I often question this whole Jesus thing but since this death I have been able to really put my faith back in Jesus Christ. I only hope that thru this process I can not relapse and set my priorities straight. I think its really funny that just a few days ago I posted about living in the present not for tomorrow. My great grandma wanted to see my Rugby game this Saturday but now we will all be attending her funeral. I should've thought about what she could've seen today instead of anticipating the future. I only wish that in her last days I would've lived for today not tomorrow.
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