Friday, March 9, 2012

Future? Past...PRESENT!!

 "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from God, which is why we call it a present." -Bill Keane
I think this quote is amazing! Most of us dwell on our past but what we don't realize is that our past is history, which we can learn from. While, tomorrow is not promised as God says. Which is why tomorrow is a mystery but yet we go on planning our lives as if we are guaranteed tomorrow but it is not. That is why I suggest living in the present. Live as if there is no tomorrow as Tim McGraw states "Live like you were dying."I found this positivity blog about 10 ways to live a happier life today and thought that you might want to know some ways you can live in today not tomorrow, so here they are:
1. Be kind in small ways.-For most of us road rage is a struggle so be kind by letting someone in your lane. The little things like these small changes make you feel better about yourself, and most of us need an encouraging boost so why not be kind in some small way.
2. Be appreciative of other people.- Stop looking at the annoying things about people and appreciate their smile and how there always on time and make sure to tell them what makes you appreciative of them.
3. Cut back on the time you spend with most negative persons in you life.- Don't be negative be positive so spend the majority of your time with positive people. Please remember, hurting people hurt others.
4. Cut down or cut out on the most negative media influence in your life.- TV shows, magazines, books, blogs, and music can really be debbie downers so switch the time that you spend looking at or listening to these things to positive shows, books, blogs, or music. Being influenced by positive influences will allow you to be more positive because you're not being dragged down in the wrong direction.
5. Be 5 or 10 minutes early.- Being early will de-stress you because you're not worried about being late and making bad impressions. So wake up 5-10 minutes early so you can leave 5-10 minutes early so you can technically be on time to your meeting or job. Being early shows a sign of responsibility and thus you're actually on time when you're early. When you're on time your actually late and when you're late you're just late. 
6. Do what is not "you". By changing what you get at lunch, or watching a scary movie, or even learn about something that doesn't interest you will give you a different perspective in life and thus when large or scary opportunities arise you will be more equipped to stepping out of your comfort zone.
7. Let go of one thing fro your past.- By holding onto an argument from yesterday it can actually hold you in bondage. What we have to realize is that life happens today, right now. And by holding onto bondage we are only hurting ourselves because we can't embrace today for today because we are too busy looking behind us. 
8. Take the smarter and higher road.- Don't be a push over, set boundaries and say no when needed. Don't get caught up in the drama that goes on around you instead try to reach an understanding. But if that doesn't work remove yourself from the situation and make your day a better day and possibly theirs.
9. Be kind to yourself.- Stop hating on yourself and the next time you fail to do something or mess up don't beat yourself up instead keep your head up and keep going in a positive direction.
10. Appreciate yourself.- Here's a challenge spend 5 minutes tonight writing down the things you can appreciate about yourself and do this for 30 days and see how your view of yourself changes. 


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