Friday, March 30, 2012
Word of the Day
Most people say that you learn something new every day. I used to not believe that because I thought that it was impossible to learn something Brand Spanking new every day but boy was I wrong. You can learn something new especially when its as simple as a word you've never heard before. The Word of the Day is Penurious which means extremely poor; poverty stricken, miserly. Now I have never heard of that adjective before today. So see you can lean something new every day! Become smart-er and challenge yourself to seek out something new to learn.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Classic Sweet Country
Okay, so I may be getting a little country. But shh...don't tell anyone. But isn't this outfit idea just darling!
Friday, March 23, 2012
My blog is not only an encouraging blog, a fashion blog, but its a real blog. Im not a person who sugar coats things. I believe we deserve to know the truth. Whether or not we want to face it is another story. Caution! This post does contain statistics that may shock you. Parental discretion is advised. If you don't want to go get your mommy and daddy then realize that you're reading this at your own risk and this post is about depression in teens.
I have struggled with depression myself. In fact, its a daily struggle. I often feel alone and that nobody loves me or wants to be my friend. I constantly struggle with this at church, school, and even in my own home. My symptoms often include isolating myself for long periods of time, not exercising, not taking on nanny opportunities, easily frustrated, annoyed, and angry, over sleeping, over eating, can't make decisions and can't concentrate, and easily forgetting things that are important and not important. Often I stay stuck and I feel like no one even cares that I am sad, so I gradually remove myself from friends and family. For me I go thru periods of depression and they usually last about a month maybe even two. I try to get myself out of it but its just too much work so I'd rather stay than move forward. I constantly have to remind myself of the people that I do have around me and realize that they would do anything for me. Once I realize that I'm not alone and that people really care about me, I pull myself out of it. I put myself around positive people, get back into work, go do family things, and really start to enjoy church.
However, I realize that not all teens can do this and that most time its a struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel and most times teens would rather stay stuck then ask for help. But not asking for help can result in some serious problems. Depression can cause self-mutilation, being a runner, and ultimately suicide attempts and for those not so lucky suicide achievements. As a teen, its lame to ask for help but I would get down on my knees and beg you to listen to these three words that I would like to challenge you with if depression is a constant struggle: ASK FOR HELP! You can't do this on your own and you need help, not from your friends but from someone who can really give you positive advice, coping skills, and ultimately be the light at the end of your dark tunnel. I hate being another statistic, to me being a statistic is being a normal person. And who wants to be normal? NObody, so challenge yourself and step out of the norm and don't be another statistic or a normal person.
About 20% of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood.
Suicide is the third leading death of people ages 15-24 and the FOURTH leading cause of death for children between the ages of 10-14
75% of the people who commit suicide was first depress
90% of people who attempt suicide have a mental illness such as depression
One in five teens say that they have purposefully hurt themselves
1% or 2-3 million people in the US exhibit self-abusive behaviors
In the US one in every 200 girls between the ages of 13-19 cut themselves regularly
90% of self-injurers started cutting themselves as teens
These are just a few of the alarming statistics that I researched on the internet. Most teens who deal with depression are run-risk. These teens often runaway from home and they stay with friends, other family, hotel hopping, or just run the streets. One in seven americans will run away at some point before they turn 18. This may be a temporary thing for some kids but some may never come back home. This is the scary fact that you face when teens runaway, especially at night because most teens just run they don't have a place or plan in mind. If you know someone who may become a runner you need to speak up and tell a responsible adult because it just might save their life.
Also, if you know anyone who is depressed and not getting help, help them receive help from a professional. Depression is nothing to mess around with because it can lead to mental illness, hospital stays, self-mutilation, and death. Teens who may be depressed may just need a counselor but some need medication and if they don't receive medicaiton they can go crazy and do things they might later regret. Get help, ask someone, please don't deal with this alone.
One last thing, I am also here to help. If you need someone to talk too because you're feeling lonely get in contact with me in person. I can't promise that I can give you the exact answers as to why you're depressed or self-mutilating but I can point you in the direction of help. Depression, self-mutilation, and running are all risk that I have taken and regret. I have been helped and thats all I want to do with someone else and thats to help them and be the light at the end of their tunnel. I love you all and so does Jesus! Again, don't try to do this on your own. You have been doing that already if you are one of these statistics. You're way is obviously not working so lets try a different way, together. Love all. Jesus is with you also don't forget that.
I have struggled with depression myself. In fact, its a daily struggle. I often feel alone and that nobody loves me or wants to be my friend. I constantly struggle with this at church, school, and even in my own home. My symptoms often include isolating myself for long periods of time, not exercising, not taking on nanny opportunities, easily frustrated, annoyed, and angry, over sleeping, over eating, can't make decisions and can't concentrate, and easily forgetting things that are important and not important. Often I stay stuck and I feel like no one even cares that I am sad, so I gradually remove myself from friends and family. For me I go thru periods of depression and they usually last about a month maybe even two. I try to get myself out of it but its just too much work so I'd rather stay than move forward. I constantly have to remind myself of the people that I do have around me and realize that they would do anything for me. Once I realize that I'm not alone and that people really care about me, I pull myself out of it. I put myself around positive people, get back into work, go do family things, and really start to enjoy church.
However, I realize that not all teens can do this and that most time its a struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel and most times teens would rather stay stuck then ask for help. But not asking for help can result in some serious problems. Depression can cause self-mutilation, being a runner, and ultimately suicide attempts and for those not so lucky suicide achievements. As a teen, its lame to ask for help but I would get down on my knees and beg you to listen to these three words that I would like to challenge you with if depression is a constant struggle: ASK FOR HELP! You can't do this on your own and you need help, not from your friends but from someone who can really give you positive advice, coping skills, and ultimately be the light at the end of your dark tunnel. I hate being another statistic, to me being a statistic is being a normal person. And who wants to be normal? NObody, so challenge yourself and step out of the norm and don't be another statistic or a normal person.
About 20% of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood.
Suicide is the third leading death of people ages 15-24 and the FOURTH leading cause of death for children between the ages of 10-14
75% of the people who commit suicide was first depress
90% of people who attempt suicide have a mental illness such as depression
One in five teens say that they have purposefully hurt themselves
1% or 2-3 million people in the US exhibit self-abusive behaviors
In the US one in every 200 girls between the ages of 13-19 cut themselves regularly
90% of self-injurers started cutting themselves as teens
These are just a few of the alarming statistics that I researched on the internet. Most teens who deal with depression are run-risk. These teens often runaway from home and they stay with friends, other family, hotel hopping, or just run the streets. One in seven americans will run away at some point before they turn 18. This may be a temporary thing for some kids but some may never come back home. This is the scary fact that you face when teens runaway, especially at night because most teens just run they don't have a place or plan in mind. If you know someone who may become a runner you need to speak up and tell a responsible adult because it just might save their life.
Also, if you know anyone who is depressed and not getting help, help them receive help from a professional. Depression is nothing to mess around with because it can lead to mental illness, hospital stays, self-mutilation, and death. Teens who may be depressed may just need a counselor but some need medication and if they don't receive medicaiton they can go crazy and do things they might later regret. Get help, ask someone, please don't deal with this alone.
One last thing, I am also here to help. If you need someone to talk too because you're feeling lonely get in contact with me in person. I can't promise that I can give you the exact answers as to why you're depressed or self-mutilating but I can point you in the direction of help. Depression, self-mutilation, and running are all risk that I have taken and regret. I have been helped and thats all I want to do with someone else and thats to help them and be the light at the end of their tunnel. I love you all and so does Jesus! Again, don't try to do this on your own. You have been doing that already if you are one of these statistics. You're way is obviously not working so lets try a different way, together. Love all. Jesus is with you also don't forget that.
Swaziland, Africa.
From July 3-20, I am embarking on a wonderful mission trip with my church. I am so excited and nervous all wrapped up in the same ball of yarn. We as a church are going there for 3 weeks. Our mission is to help out the local community. Whether its to help rebuild, paint their houses, or visit the AIDS orphanage. This trip cost is 3529! Yelp, you read it right. At first, I didn't think that I could come up with this type of money at all. In fact, we were sitting in church when the pastor first told us about the trip. I looked at my mom and said "there's no way I can go, I can't come up with that type of money." And as soon as I said that, Pastor James said "I've never met a person who wants to go but wasn't able to go because of the money." At that moment my jaw literally hit the floor. I said "oh dang, I guess I got to go now" and laughed. Ever since then I have tried to rely on God and really just remind myself that I trust you God. That where there's a will theres a way. Even though it may be God's way not my own. So the first half of our money was due March 1st. That means $1664.50 was due, I already gave $200 as my deposit. I was able to give $2750. Wow! now that was totally a God thing. All I did was send out support letters to people in my email and put a box up in my moms hair salon. Don't get me wrong there was times that I doubted God and Im not proud of it at all. There was one day when my mom called me and asked if I had received anymore money through the mail and I said no, have you received anymore money at your shop and she said no. I said with a sigh okay, well Im just going to trust God that he will provide and she said thats great Britney. As soon as I walked in the door there was mail for me, I opened it and there was a $200 check for me. I said "wow, God you're pretty funny but thank you." I believe that through this mission trip God is showing me that he is faithful and I can rely on him whenever I need to and trust him in all things. See I thought this was too big of a job for God but I lazily forgot that God is the creator of the freaking universe whats 3529 to him. He can take care of me all the days of my life and he is faithful. I can honestly say that through this mission trip fundraising I have become stronger in my faith because I truly realized that God can take care of me, he loves me, and no matter what I think is big problem and struggle in life its really not because Jesus has overcome. I now only have 384 left to go and I believe that I will receive that money because I have prayed God help me with fundraising for this trip. God's already touched people's heart to get me half way there so whats 384 to the creator of the universe?!?
Spring is in the Air
I don't know about ya'll but I know that spring is here because of two reasons, one: my allergies are killing me and two: its gradually getting hotter and hotter. I love the spring but the fact that I want to rip my nose off isn't my favorite thing of all time. I do enjoy though when I am babysitting being able to take the kids out of the house. I hate being crammed in the house being bored. I mean who wants to watch Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba all day, I mean come on lets be honest with each other. Also, with the weather increasingly becoming nicer that means were closer to Memorial Day weekend. Yeah, yeah, I not its in May but that means the pools open soon. YES!! wait, that means we gotta get into that pool shape body. Nobody wants your flab out in the summer, winter now thats okay. I started this whole new way of life thing yesterday. Its so hard because I love to eat but this "diet" consist of smoothies. One smoothie for breakfast, handful of fruit for snack, oh wait smoothie for lunch, handful of fruit for mid-afternoon snack and a 500-600 calorie dinner. I know so exciting! I also am kicking my butt into shape by working out and not letting myself be lazy. I am not only doing this "diet" to increase my sense of self but also too be completely eligible for the Army. Yelp, ya heard me right! I plan on enlisting when I come back from Africa. Oh yeah, I'm going to Africa for those of you who don't know in July. So I have got to get into killer shape. Any ideas for me to be healthier let me know whether its a comment or in person. It can be vitamin info, exercise ideas, healthy food options that will allow me to stay in my 500-600 calorie dinner, really anything. Let me know, my ears, eye, and belly is open! Thanks.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Future? Past...PRESENT!!
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from God, which is why we call it a present." -Bill Keane
I think this quote is amazing! Most of us dwell on our past but what we don't realize is that our past is history, which we can learn from. While, tomorrow is not promised as God says. Which is why tomorrow is a mystery but yet we go on planning our lives as if we are guaranteed tomorrow but it is not. That is why I suggest living in the present. Live as if there is no tomorrow as Tim McGraw states "Live like you were dying."I found this positivity blog about 10 ways to live a happier life today and thought that you might want to know some ways you can live in today not tomorrow, so here they are:
1. Be kind in small ways.-For most of us road rage is a struggle so be kind by letting someone in your lane. The little things like these small changes make you feel better about yourself, and most of us need an encouraging boost so why not be kind in some small way.
2. Be appreciative of other people.- Stop looking at the annoying things about people and appreciate their smile and how there always on time and make sure to tell them what makes you appreciative of them.
3. Cut back on the time you spend with most negative persons in you life.- Don't be negative be positive so spend the majority of your time with positive people. Please remember, hurting people hurt others.
4. Cut down or cut out on the most negative media influence in your life.- TV shows, magazines, books, blogs, and music can really be debbie downers so switch the time that you spend looking at or listening to these things to positive shows, books, blogs, or music. Being influenced by positive influences will allow you to be more positive because you're not being dragged down in the wrong direction.
5. Be 5 or 10 minutes early.- Being early will de-stress you because you're not worried about being late and making bad impressions. So wake up 5-10 minutes early so you can leave 5-10 minutes early so you can technically be on time to your meeting or job. Being early shows a sign of responsibility and thus you're actually on time when you're early. When you're on time your actually late and when you're late you're just late.
6. Do what is not "you". By changing what you get at lunch, or watching a scary movie, or even learn about something that doesn't interest you will give you a different perspective in life and thus when large or scary opportunities arise you will be more equipped to stepping out of your comfort zone.
7. Let go of one thing fro your past.- By holding onto an argument from yesterday it can actually hold you in bondage. What we have to realize is that life happens today, right now. And by holding onto bondage we are only hurting ourselves because we can't embrace today for today because we are too busy looking behind us.
8. Take the smarter and higher road.- Don't be a push over, set boundaries and say no when needed. Don't get caught up in the drama that goes on around you instead try to reach an understanding. But if that doesn't work remove yourself from the situation and make your day a better day and possibly theirs.
9. Be kind to yourself.- Stop hating on yourself and the next time you fail to do something or mess up don't beat yourself up instead keep your head up and keep going in a positive direction.
10. Appreciate yourself.- Here's a challenge spend 5 minutes tonight writing down the things you can appreciate about yourself and do this for 30 days and see how your view of yourself changes.
I think this quote is amazing! Most of us dwell on our past but what we don't realize is that our past is history, which we can learn from. While, tomorrow is not promised as God says. Which is why tomorrow is a mystery but yet we go on planning our lives as if we are guaranteed tomorrow but it is not. That is why I suggest living in the present. Live as if there is no tomorrow as Tim McGraw states "Live like you were dying."I found this positivity blog about 10 ways to live a happier life today and thought that you might want to know some ways you can live in today not tomorrow, so here they are:
1. Be kind in small ways.-For most of us road rage is a struggle so be kind by letting someone in your lane. The little things like these small changes make you feel better about yourself, and most of us need an encouraging boost so why not be kind in some small way.
2. Be appreciative of other people.- Stop looking at the annoying things about people and appreciate their smile and how there always on time and make sure to tell them what makes you appreciative of them.
3. Cut back on the time you spend with most negative persons in you life.- Don't be negative be positive so spend the majority of your time with positive people. Please remember, hurting people hurt others.
4. Cut down or cut out on the most negative media influence in your life.- TV shows, magazines, books, blogs, and music can really be debbie downers so switch the time that you spend looking at or listening to these things to positive shows, books, blogs, or music. Being influenced by positive influences will allow you to be more positive because you're not being dragged down in the wrong direction.
5. Be 5 or 10 minutes early.- Being early will de-stress you because you're not worried about being late and making bad impressions. So wake up 5-10 minutes early so you can leave 5-10 minutes early so you can technically be on time to your meeting or job. Being early shows a sign of responsibility and thus you're actually on time when you're early. When you're on time your actually late and when you're late you're just late.
6. Do what is not "you". By changing what you get at lunch, or watching a scary movie, or even learn about something that doesn't interest you will give you a different perspective in life and thus when large or scary opportunities arise you will be more equipped to stepping out of your comfort zone.
7. Let go of one thing fro your past.- By holding onto an argument from yesterday it can actually hold you in bondage. What we have to realize is that life happens today, right now. And by holding onto bondage we are only hurting ourselves because we can't embrace today for today because we are too busy looking behind us.
8. Take the smarter and higher road.- Don't be a push over, set boundaries and say no when needed. Don't get caught up in the drama that goes on around you instead try to reach an understanding. But if that doesn't work remove yourself from the situation and make your day a better day and possibly theirs.
9. Be kind to yourself.- Stop hating on yourself and the next time you fail to do something or mess up don't beat yourself up instead keep your head up and keep going in a positive direction.
10. Appreciate yourself.- Here's a challenge spend 5 minutes tonight writing down the things you can appreciate about yourself and do this for 30 days and see how your view of yourself changes.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
STAND UP its International Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day across the world. This was first introduced in the 1900's actually 1910 to be exact. Women play a critical role in developing nations. They enhance agriculture an rural development, improve food security, and can help reduce poverty levels in there surrounding communities. The theme this year is- Empower Rural Women-End Hunger and Poverty. The Food and Agriculture Organization reveals that productivity gains from ensuring equal access to fertilization, seeds, and tools for women can actually reduce the number of hungry people between 100-150 million to be exact. So in he insight women are spectacular and this day is really used to show off just that. Its used to celebrate women's accomplishments and advocate for gender equality. There are 10 easy ways to celebrate this special holiday to all the women out there.
1. Take the Day OFF!!
2. Give Flowers to Women-flowers are a symbol off this holiday.
3. Donate Money to Women Causes- such as Kiva
4. Protest- this holiday was born on activism
5. Wear RED Lipstick- "Rock the Lips" campaign to support this holiday
6. Stand on a Bridge- "Join me on the Bridge" campaign in honor of this holiday
7. Check out Some Art- Go see the National Museum of Women in the Arts in DC, french female painter
8. Eat A Cupcake- Most bars and restaurants give out free cupcake in honor of this holiday
9. Defeat Sexual Harassment
10. Look Back and Forward- Look back on women and their accomplishments but realize there's still room for improvement.
This information was courteous of the Washington Post online.
1. Take the Day OFF!!
2. Give Flowers to Women-flowers are a symbol off this holiday.
3. Donate Money to Women Causes- such as Kiva
4. Protest- this holiday was born on activism
5. Wear RED Lipstick- "Rock the Lips" campaign to support this holiday
6. Stand on a Bridge- "Join me on the Bridge" campaign in honor of this holiday
7. Check out Some Art- Go see the National Museum of Women in the Arts in DC, french female painter
8. Eat A Cupcake- Most bars and restaurants give out free cupcake in honor of this holiday
9. Defeat Sexual Harassment
10. Look Back and Forward- Look back on women and their accomplishments but realize there's still room for improvement.
This information was courteous of the Washington Post online.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Challenge of the Day

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Teen Pregnancy, why won't anyone talk about it
The scare heard round the world. Whats the issue that most deny is even happening? Its the dramatic increase in teen pregnancy. The show Teen Mom shows the negative and positive things that can result from teens having unprotected sex and thus resulting in a baby. I have had personal experience with this topic. I may not have given physical birth to a baby but I had to carry around a fake baby for 6 months. I have had previous unprotected sex and didn't even think about it but because my parents made me do this project I think twice when I may be put into a situation. There is no way I am in anyway prepared to have a child at 17. To all parents reading this blog, I RECOMMEND you giving your child a fake baby for 6 months and have them come up with a schedule for the baby and have them find daycare off of a $8 hourly wage. This will have them think twice about having sex(period). Sure they will be pissed at first( I sure was) but in the long run you (the parents to them and potential grandparents) won't have to be taking care of a little one. Believe me once they realize how expensive they are, what hours they wake up in the middle of the night, and the fact that their 6 month old can't go to a football game or to the club, they won't want to put themselves in situations to where they could be a teen parent.
So parents educate your kids about sex and stop turning your head the other way. Its happening lets stop ignoring it and face the facts. Teens want to have sex because they don't feel loved or they don't know how to have a healthy relationship. So to all the Dad's out there spend quality time with your daughters. Let her know how a man is supposed to treat her. Maybe then she won't be trying to look for love in all the wrong places. And Mom's stop trying to be her best friend and give her some advice worth repeating. She doesn't want a friend she wants someone who will hold her through her tears, fears, disappointments, and laughter but if you act like her friend what makes you think she's going to confide in you if your just going to give her the same advice as her friends. Parents be parents and stop trying to be their friends. There's a time for everything . So pay attention and know they times when she needs you the most. Teens are talking are you willing to listen?
- about 820,000 teens become pregnant each year. That means that 34% of teens will have at least one pregnancy before they turn 20.
- 79% of teens that become parents are unwed. That means not married and most likely single parents
- The main rise in the teen pregnancy rate is among girls younger than 15
- Close to 25% of teen moms have a second child within 2 years of the first birth
- The US spends on average 7 billion dollars each year due to teen pregnancy
- Only 1/3 of teen moms complete high school and receive their diplomas
- By 30, only 1.5% who had pregnancies as a teen will have their college degree
- 80% of unwed teen moms end up on welfare
- The daughters of teen moms are 22% more likely than their peers to become teen moms
- Sons of teen parents are 13% more likely than their peers to end up in prison
- The US has TWICE the teen pregnancy rate as Canada
- Both Germany and France have a teen pregnancy rate FOUR times lower than the US
- Japan's teen pregnancy rate is EIGHT times lower than that of the US
- 82% of teens feel that other teens shouldn't be sexually active
- 72% of teens agreed that other teens should have access to birth control if they choose to be sexually active
- 73% of teens feel that being a virgin shouldn't be embarrassing
- 58% of teens feel that other teens shouldn't be sexually active at all
- Fewer than one-half of teens in high school has had sex
- 67% of teens that have had sex wish they would've waited (60%-boys & 77% girls
So parents educate your kids about sex and stop turning your head the other way. Its happening lets stop ignoring it and face the facts. Teens want to have sex because they don't feel loved or they don't know how to have a healthy relationship. So to all the Dad's out there spend quality time with your daughters. Let her know how a man is supposed to treat her. Maybe then she won't be trying to look for love in all the wrong places. And Mom's stop trying to be her best friend and give her some advice worth repeating. She doesn't want a friend she wants someone who will hold her through her tears, fears, disappointments, and laughter but if you act like her friend what makes you think she's going to confide in you if your just going to give her the same advice as her friends. Parents be parents and stop trying to be their friends. There's a time for everything . So pay attention and know they times when she needs you the most. Teens are talking are you willing to listen?
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