Sunday, February 19, 2012
"Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknessess, and it is only when you accept everything you are- and aren't- that you will truly succeed."
Succeed means to thrive, prosper, or grow, however in todays society to succeed means to achieve the American dream. The American dream happens to few people though and when we don't achieve the American dream we believe that we did something wrong and there must be something wrong with us. So we judge, compare, and wish we were something we weren't. In today's society people compare themselves to others and judge one another. Especially women or teen girls shall I say. We compare our body shapes, our hair color and texture, their personality versus ours, and our financial success or distress. We compare anything and everything that we can. If one girl possess it another one wants it. What we don't realize is that we are all unique in our own way. We could've all been made the same way and then there would be no judging or envy but then there also wouldn't be individuality. Individuality is what make us who we are. My strength may be anothers weakness and vice versa. We all have room for improvement but if we stay stuck on judging others we can't improve ourselves. So while I may have a weakness that I percieve is anothers strength if I stay stuck on trying to be like the other person I can't succeed in life. However once I accept my weakness and strengths I can succeed in life because I am confident in myself. I believe that you can do anything in life and no one can stop you but yourself. So in order to succeed in life you have to accept yourself and know that you were made with a purspose in life, you are not wasted space. So accept yourself, stop judging others and when you do this you will then succeed in life.
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