Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Like what is leap year?

Leap Year??
Persons born on leap day, February 29, are called "leaplings" or "leapers." However fun it may be to rib them for enjoying 75 percent fewer birthdays than the rest of us over the course of their lives, they do have the special privilege, between leap years, of celebrating their nativity a full day earlier if they so choose. It was once thought that leapling babies would inevitably prove sickly and "hard to raise," though no one remembers why.
Ironically, notwithstanding the fact that the whole point of adding an extra day to February every four years was to align the human measurement of time more closely with nature, in days gone by folks apparently believed that monkeying with the calendar like that might actually throw nature out of whack, even hampering the raising of crops and livestock. It used to be said, for example, that beans and peas planted during a leap year "grow the wrong way" — whatever that means — and, in the words of the Scots, "Leap year was never a good sheep year."

Women Traditions on Leap Year? Why is it so special to women?
In keeping with the theme of nature gone awry, a whimsical tradition dating back at least four centuries (and still trotted out at four-year intervals by newspaper feature writers) holds that leap years confer upon women the "privilege" of proposing marriage to men instead of the other way around. The convention was (in literature, if not in reality) that any man who refused such a proposal owed his spurned suitor a silk gown and a kiss — provided she was wearing a red petticoat at the moment she popped the question.
The origin of this romantic tradition is long forgotten and steeped in legend. One tidbit often repeated in 19th-century sources claimed it grew out of a statute passed by Scottish Parliament in 1288, of which one of the many quoted versions reads:
It is statut and ordainit that during the reine of hir maist blissit Magestie, ilk maiden ladye of baith highe and lowe estair shale hae libertie to bespeak ye man she likes; albiet, gif he refuses to tak her till be his wif, he sall be mulcit in ye sume of ane hundredth poundis or less, as is estait mai be, except and alwais gif he can mak it appear that he is betrothit to ane other woman, then he shall be free.
Mind you, this passage was already considered suspect by some of the same Victorian authors who quoted it — not only because the text couldn't be sourced ("the only authority for this statement is the 'Illustrated Almanac' for 1853," wrote one critic, "which probably manufactured the statute as a jest") but also because its "old English" phraseology rings too modern for the year 1288. In addition, the text itself proved to be quite variable — in regards to grammar, spelling, and even content, with some versions boasting an extra clause specifying that the law pertained to "ilk yeare knowne as lepe yeare."

Monday, February 27, 2012


"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”-Jim Rohn 

Today is all about motivation and habit. On Saturday's I go to a meeting called Losing to Live and if I haven't learned one thing, its motivation. With accountability I can do anything, with motivation I can succeed, and with habit its becomes a way of life. So don't give up! Your handwork will pay off in the long run. Whats easy is never worth it. Good luck! 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Video of the Day

I really love country music but I especially love Brad Paisley. Here's probably my all-time favorite song and video by Brad Paisley. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Here's the lyrics so you can follow along:

Well I'll never forget the first time that I heard
That pretty mouth say that dirty word
And I can't even remember now what she backed my truck into
But she covered her mouth and her face got red
And she just looked so darn cute
That I couldn't even act like I was mad
Yeah I live for little moments like that

Well that's just like this last year on my birthday
She lost all track of time and burnt the cake
And every smoke detector in the house was goin' off
And she was just about to cry until I took her in my arms
And I tried not to let her see me laugh
Yeah I live for little moments like that

I know she's not perfect but she tries so hard for me
And I thank god that she isn't 'cause how boring would that be
It's the little imperfections it's the sudden change in plans
When she misreads the directions and we're lost but holdin' hands
Yeah I live for little moments like that

When she's layin' on my shoulder on the sofa in the dark
And about the time she falls asleep so does my right arm
And I want so bad to move it 'cause it's tinglin' and it's numb
But she looks so much like an angel that I don't wanna wake her up
Yeah I live for little moments
When she steals my heart again and doesn't even know it
Yeah I live for little moments like that

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Looking cute is a must even at the Gym. After all you never know who you might run into. It may be Sunday but that doesn't mean you have to wear your holy sweatpants. So here's a few good ideas at an affordable cost.

As you can tell I love Victoria Secrets:
(first picture) YOGA FOLD OVER LEGGING- $29.50
(second picture) CROP LEGGING- $17.50
(third picture) STRIPE RACERBACK TANK- $22.50
(fourth picture) YOGA SHORTIE- $24.50

Nike is always my second choice
Under Amour Slash Capri-$49.99
Nike Mystifi Warm-Up Pant- $49.99
Nike MLB Burnout T-Shirt- $19.99
Cute Outfits=Cute Shoes

Nike Shox Navina Sl- $89.99-109.99

Now that you have your outfit and shoes, aren't you missing something?? Like a cute tote!!

VS Army Weekender Tote- $39.50
VS Tote Supermodel Essentials- $68.00

Last Thing: CUTE Water bottles 

Only $12.50 at Victoria Secrets 

Now that you have all the essentials to working out, go to the Tanning Salon and do your laundry, get your GTL on!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Smile, someone needs it

When you receive flowers they aren't ugly and withered. Flowers are unexpected and they really make someone's day. So why do we go around treating people like a rose stem filled with thorns instead of a delicate rose. Words hurt and so do looks. Be nice to someone today and see the smile that you will put on someone's face. I encourage you to do this because you never know what people are going through. You may be the ray of sunshine in someone's cloudy day. You never know if someone was contemplating suicide because they felt like no one cares about them and when you smiled when they were fixing to leave, you showed them that someone does care. And instead of committing suicide they walked out that door with a smile on there face with a pep in there step and a reason to live. Treat people the way that you would like to be treated. This is an elementary principle for us but yet we always forget it. Do this today and it will not go void, someone will be blessed by your smile. 

Monday, February 20, 2012


"Sometimes, you have to give up on people, not because you don't care but because they don't."

We all have that one person in our lives that we just keep on going back to even if there not good for us. Their love is our drug and we are addicted to it. These people have a negative hold on us if we allow them to. More than often they are people that are the closest to us. I have a person in my life who is a negative influence on me and now he's on probation but I love him to much to stay away. We've known eachother forever quite literally and I know that he needs me right now. I can't give up on him because he has never given up on me. When were stuck in predicaments like this I say stay by his/her side, don't grow weary that they'll never change but also seperate yourself from them. Keep talk encouraging and to a minimum, like on the phone, only text or call  him/her once a week instead of everyday. And when you do this don't allow your focus to be on the negative but ask how he/she is doing and give them encouragement. They don't need someone to go along with them they need someone to tell them whats right and offer them a ray of sunshine in there day of rain.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Casual Sunday

This outfit is so cute to wear to church if you are feeling casual. H&M is a great store to buy clothes like these and at a decent price too. Check it out!


"Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknessess, and it is only when you accept everything you are- and aren't- that you will truly succeed."

Succeed means to thrive, prosper, or grow, however in todays society to succeed means to achieve the American dream. The American dream happens to few people though and when we don't achieve the American dream we believe that we did something wrong and there must be something wrong with us. So we judge, compare, and wish we were something we weren't. In today's society people compare themselves to others and judge one another. Especially women or teen girls shall I say. We compare our body shapes, our hair color and texture, their personality versus ours, and our financial success or distress. We compare anything and everything that we can. If one girl possess it another one wants it. What we don't realize is that we are all unique in our own way. We could've all been made the same way and then there would be no judging or envy but then there also wouldn't be individuality. Individuality is what make us who we are. My strength may be anothers weakness and vice versa. We all have room for improvement but if we stay stuck on judging others we can't improve ourselves. So while I may have a weakness that I percieve is anothers strength if I stay stuck on trying to be like the other person I can't succeed in life. However once I accept my weakness and strengths I can succeed in life because I am confident in myself. I believe that you can do anything in life and no one can stop you but yourself. So in order to succeed in life you have to accept yourself and know that you were made with a purspose in life, you are not wasted space. So accept yourself, stop judging others and when you do this you will  then succeed in life.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Quote of the Day

Thought this was a good quote to start off our Friday! 

What to Wear on Friday's to School...............

This is a great outfit to wear to school on Friday's. This outfit allows you to be casual but yet fun and show off your personality. If your not into the high-heels throw on a pair of all black chucks. Chucks will show off more of your sporty side and chucks won't kill your feel all day. Do whatever is comfortable for you. Just have fun with fashion and be YOU!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I love Marilyn Monroe! She has left a legacy behind that no one can forget. I first found this quote at Kirkland's and bought the picture for my mom to put up in her hair salon. This quote struck a deep cord inside of myself. I not only agreed with this quote but I believe that we can all relate to it, especially in todays society. We may not know why things happen the way they do at first but in the end we can look back and see where things took a turn for the better. So for all of those that are struggling with a decision,pray, let it play out and see what doors open, because you might not know where you may end up but God does and remember coincidences don't happen only miracles!